Celebrating 1 year and 2,200 users

May 27, 2020

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One year ago, Sheet.chat was launched with the simple idea of combining Slack channels with all the knowledge we store in spreadsheets.

If I have to sum up this past year, I first want to think and thank the 2,200 users who have registered. It makes Sheet.chat alive to have active and regular users!

A big thank you also to the few customers who have taken the Pro subscription, it shows the usefulness of the service and allows us to maintain the site financially. I also received some lovely messages, it's gratifying. Please continue!

What's new lately?

In recent months, improvements have been made to make it easier to add a sheet. Error messages (e.g., XLSX files) have been improved to guide newcomers better.

The next few months will be about continuity. Service quality is the priority. I plan to improve the preview of the sheets, to enhance the documentation, and to refine the homepage. Improving the overall speed of the site could also be on the list.

Feel free to share your feedback over chat or email. It's essential to build the roadmap.



Photo by Kristopher Roller on Unsplash