July Updates

July 12, 2019

Hey! Summer has arrived in Paris, and I have had many distractions but I also had some time to improve the recently released Sheet.chat 😎

More options for notifications

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This has been the most requested feature by the few early users.

When data is updated in a spreadsheet, you can now choose between 3 settings for the notifications that will be sent to Slack channels:

  • send all column values
  • send only column values that are modified
  • send changes and values of preselected columns

Let me give an example. Here is a spreadsheet.

Project name | Start Date | Owner
Redesign homepage website  | June 19 | Allison

If you reassign the project to someone else, Peter for example, depending on your settings in Sheet.chat, you will receive a different notification.

First case with all values:

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Second case with only the modified cell:

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Third case when you include the column "project name":

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With these different options, you will be able to reduce the size of the Slack notifications when you have a lot of columns in your spreadsheet.

Easier configuration of Slack channels

At registration (or next login if you are an existing user), Sheet.chat will now ask for permission to list and send messages to all public channels in your workspace. Note that it does not access your discussions, your conversations remain private.

It eases the configuration of each sheet. Previously, you had to authorise each channel individually and that was a little over-repetitive.

Slack Developers in Paris

Last June, I participated to the Slack Developers Paris event.

It was a qualitative small event. It gave me many ideas for improvement, in particular in the on-boarding and interactions within Slack.

Discussing with the Slack team was also very enjoyable. Thanks @alexkistenev, Jonathan and Bear for the discussions!

Upcoming updates

As I just said, I see plenty of possible improvements for Sheet.chat. Here's what's on the top of the list for the coming weeks:

  • better onboarding experience
  • improve the search capabilities
  • homepage redesign
